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February 2025 Newsletter- Click the Link to view our February 2025 Newsletter -----> February Newsletter 2025_EDIT2.pdf
January 2025 Newsletter- Click the Link to view our January 2025 Newsletter ----> January Newsletter.pdf
December 2024 Newsletter- Click the Link to view our December 2024 Newsletter ----> December Newsletter.pdf
November 2024 Newsletter- Click the Link to view our November 2024 Newsletter -->November Newsletter (1).pdf

October 2024 Newsletter- Click the Link to view our October 2024 Newsletter  ------>   October Newsletter.pdf


 Rec Program- Sent September 5, 2023

Hello Everyone,

Rec Classes will begin next week, we are excited to see you all! Please see below for your start date, end dates and parent viewing or update days. On parent viewing days, parents with kids upstairs will be invited to come watch for the last 10 minutes. Parents on the main level will have a chance to speak to coaches and get an update on their child's progress, on those days.

Please arrive no more than 5 minutes early and wait in the foyer for your coach to call your child by name. If your child isn't on a list, please see admin. Please be sure to take one of the fundraising packets that will be handed out by one of our volunteers.

 Participants may wear tight fitting clothing (spandex, leggings, tank top etc), they may also wear a bodysuit, but it is not required. They will need bare feet, hair up and no jewelry. Please bring a labeled non-glass water bottle. Please wrap or tape any warts etc.

Participants who are 5 and under require an adult to stay in the building during their programming. Please make sure they use the bathroom before class. There is no upstairs viewing at this time. Please drop your child off at the door with their coach. If they need a few minutes to adjust, you may do so in the hallway and let the child join the class once ready. 

No classes on:
October 9th
October 31st
November 6-11th

Other important things to note: 

  • We are a nut free facility 
  • You are responsible for cleaning up any mess made by your child in the waiting area
  • Shoes must be on the shelfs and not blocking the entryway.
  • Do not block or sit on the stairs
  • We do have free Wi-Fi (your internet may not work as good due to the concrete building, use ours!)
  • Parents are not allowed on the gym floor unless asked to come on by a coach 
  • We have a sick policy, please stay home if you are sick. This includes parents and those in the waiting room. Detailed policy can be found on our website. 
  • Notify coaches or admin if someone other than mom/dad/guardian will be picking up the child 
  • You may only withdraw before the start of the third class has commenced, otherwise there will be no withdraw requests granted
  • Our Next Registration Opens November 1st @10am (December Mini) & December 1st @10am (Reg Winter Programs)



Fall Schedule 

Parent Viewing/Info Days  

Monday: September 11- November 27

October 26th and November 27

Tuesday: September 12- November 28

October 17th and November 28

Wednesday: September 13- November 22

October 18th and November 22

Thursday: September 14- November 23

October 19th and November 23

Friday: September 15- November 24

October 2oth and November 24


Thank You 


 Competitive Program- Sent September 1, 2023

Hello Parents and Guardian,

Just a reminder that Comp classes start next week!  We are closed on Monday, September 4th so programming will begin September 5th.

You can view your schedules on your account by clicking the 'calendar' subheading on your main account. 

Payments should have come out today, please make sure that you have a card on file. To see if you have a card on file, you can click the subheading 'account' and then 'saved payment methods.' I will be back in the office on Tuesday evening if you have any trouble making payments online.

Note: Lockers/cubbies have been moved to the foyer, please arrive 5 minutes early to have time to put your stuff away and get onto the gym floor.

Our Little Caeser's fundraiser and Gym Gear Leotards will begin, the following week when rec classes start (Sept 11). Please take an order form with you! All monies raised goes to buy new equipment for the gym. 

 On top of Volunteer opportunities, you can still earn credits through fundraising. Each $200 raised will earn you 2 credits. 

There will be no classes:

September 4
October 7,8,9, 31
November 10 or 11

Please make sure to come into the gym at least once a month to check the bulletin board and the lost and found. 

We look forward to seeing you all and hope you have a safe and happy long weekend!




July 17-21 Summer Camp- Sent July 14, 2023


Just a reminder that you are signed up for our Summer Camp from 17-21 from 8:30am-4:30pm.

Please send your child with sunscreen, a hat and a non-glass labelled water bottle, as well as a lunch and snacks. (We are a nut-free facility.) We do have a fridge to store some items, but it cannot fit multiple large lunch kits. Please use ice packs or label the individual container that would need to go into the fridge. Please notify staff if you have items to go into the fridge. You will have access to a microwave if needed.

Please wear clothing that is stretchy and safe to be used on the gym floor (no hoods, buckles, snaps etc. that can get caught on equipment.) We will be doing crafts so please do not send them in their best clothing. 

We do aim to do a minimum of one park trip and outside adventure per day however if the smoke continues into next week, it may affect the outdoor activities. 

You will need to sign your child in and out of summer camps on a daily basis. If you will be picking your child up early that day or dropping them off late the following day, please let staff know so we can plan activities accordingly. If someone other than the parent or guardian will be picking up your child, please notify staff, otherwise staff has the right not to release the child until we make contact with you. 

Your summer staff will be Ciara and Madison, with coach Silvia helping. If the camp is going to be away from the gym for a park trip or outing, we will leave a location and/or contact number on the door.

We still have a few spots left for the full week and we are also offering a daily rate of $50. If you get a friend to join for the week you get a $20 credit on your account as a thank you for your referral. If you know someone interested in a late registration have them, contact admin:



July 10-14 Summer Camp- Sent July 9, 2023


Just a reminder that you are signed up for our Summer Camp from July 10-14 from 8:30am-4:30pm.

Please send your child with sunscreen, a hat and a non glass labelled water bottle, as well as, a lunch and snacks. (We are a nut-free facility.) We do have a fridge to store some items but it can not fit multiple large lunch kits. Please use ice packs or label the individual container that would need to go into the fridge. Please notify staff if you have items to go into the fridge. You will have access to a microwave if needed.

Please wear clothing that is stretchy and safe to be used on the gym floor (no hoods, buckles, snaps etc. that can get caught on equipment.) We will be doing crafts so please do not send them in their best clothing. 

You will need to sign your child in and out of summer camps on a daily basis. If you will be picking your child up early that day or dropping them off late the following day, please let staff know so we can plan activities accordingly. If someone other than the parent or guardian will be picking up your child, please notify staff, otherwise staff has the right not to release the child until we make contact with you. 

Your summer staff will be Ciara and Madison. If the camp is going to be away from the gym for a park trip or outing, we will leave a location and/or contact number on the door.



Tot Camp Participants - Sent July 3, 2023


Just a reminder that you are signed up for our Tots Camp from July 4-7 from 9:30am-11:30am.

Please send your child with sunscreen on, a hat and a non glass labelled water bottle.

Please wear clothing that is stretchy and safe to be used on the gym floor (no hoods, buckles, snaps etc. that can get caught on equipment.) We will be doing crafts so please do not send them in their best clothing. If you'd like, you may send an extra shirt to be used for crafts; An old t-shirt from mom/dad works great. 

You will need to sign your child in and out of summer camps on a daily basis. If you will be picking your child up early that day or dropping them off late the following day, please let staff know so we can plan activities accordingly. If someone other than the parent or guardian will be picking up your child, please notify staff, otherwise staff has the right not to release the child until we make contact with you. 

We have lots of fun activities planned and we can't wait to have some summer fun with your little ones. 

Your summer staff will be Ciara and Madison. Myself (Lacey-admin) will be away on vacation Tuesday and Wednesday, but I can be reached by email if you have any concerns, I will be back on Thursday and Friday to join in the fun! 



 Rec Classes/July Mini's -Sent July 3, 2023

Hello Parents and Guardians,

Just a reminder that July Mini sessions start this week! Tuesday/Thursday classes start tomorrow, July 4th and Monday/Wednesday classes start Wednesday July 5th. 

Please arrive no more than 5 minutes before your start time. 

Bring a non glass water bottle, and arrive in bare feet, wearing spandex or other tight fitting clothing or clothing that can be tied back if needed; No snaps, buckles, strings or hoods. Bodysuits are allowed but are not required. Please have hair up if it is long enough, no big clips or hair pieces and no jewelry.

For those with children in the tots program, please make sure they use the bathroom on arrival. Parents are required to stay in the building for children under the age of 5, but you can ask the coach if they are okay with you leaving the building. Please respect their choice either way. There is no upstairs viewing at this time. We have purchased tv's and camera's and are just waiting to have them installed.   

When you arrive, please wait in the main waiting area, your coach will come and introduce themselves and collect your child at the start of class. 

I will be out of the office on Tuesday and Wednesday but Callyann will be in the office and can assist you if you need to make payments or changes. I can also be reached by email during that time if you have any concerns. 

We still have lots of room left in our Summer Camps and Summer Mini Sessions; we've added a referral program this summer, and for every person you get to join, you will receive a $20 credit onto your account. Summer camps can be pro-rated for the remainder of the week if joined late, Mini Sessions can be joined until the second class, after which we do not accept late registrations. 

If admin registered you for a program please go into your account on Uplifter and click the subheading that says "policies" from there you should be prompted to sign forms for the 23/24 year. All waivers and forms must be signed before your child is allowed to participate. All waivers expired June 30th, so everyone must sign a new waiver. If you registered yourself, you would have been prompted to sign a waiver before payment was collected and no further action will be required.  



EVERYONE- Sent June 26, 2023

Hello Parents and Guardians, 

Summer Mini Registration is live! View our website for class times. We have also added a few more Tot camps and we still have room left in our full-day kids camps! Registration is open for those camps as well. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Summer Referral Program: Summer is a harder time to fill camps with everyone on vacations and enjoying their summer plans, so we are asking for your help! Refer a friend to a Summer Camp or Summer Mini class and we will give you a $20 credit on to your account, to be used during your next registration or drop in. I have attached a copy of the flyer incase you'd like to share on your social media, post it at your work etc. Be sure to remind them to use your name! Some conditions apply. 
**Name of referring member must be sent to within 24hrs, by the person registering. The person referring our services may also send in the name, however admin would need verify it was a valid referral. You must have an active Uplifter account to receive the credit, no pay-out/cash value. 

Discount Drop-In Friday June 30th: only $10 for 2 hours of fun! Join us from 10:00am-12:00pm. Kids over the age of 8 can be dropped off after a waiver has been signed.

We will still have drop-ins on most Fridays over the summer, we will also be adding extra drop-in days throughout the week as well! Schedule will be posted soon!! You can view dates (once added) by checking out our calendar section on our website. 

Calendar :: Calendar :: Fort Gymnastics powered by Uplifter (

If any of our FGC parents and/or participants would like to represent Fort Gymnastics Club during the Canada Day Parade this weekend, please respond to this email.



Competitive Program- Sent June 20, 2023

Hello Parents and Guardians, 

Last day of classes will be Tuesday June 27th!

Summer Training will begin July 4th!

Please see below for answer to Summer Competitive Programming Questions

Teams, Developmental and Competitive Programming year end event is this Sunday, June 25th from 4:30-6:30pm. We will have a potluck at 4:30, followed by awards and then the children will be given free time on the gym floor. Please make sure they come in attire that is safe for gymnastics. (Please note order of events may change)

It is a potluck event, the potluck items for each team are attached to the google form for the event. If you haven't completed one, please do so now. Even if you are NOT coming, please let us know, so we can anticipate numbers (link below). We do have limited spacing so please leave siblings at home if you are able to do so, they will not be able to go onto the gym floor during free play. Reminder: We are a nut-free facility.


We have had a few questions about the summer schedule for Developmental and Competitive programs so we thought we would clarify:

Do I have to go to all the classes? You do not need to attend all the classes, only your minimum number of required days (ranges between 10-15 depending on your program.) You are welcome to attend as many as you would like too. ** "Teams" summer training is not included in this registration. 

How do sign up for the days we are available? You should have received an email with a link for TeamSnap earlier this week. Once you have joined you will select all the days that you will be attending. If you have a current child in TeamSnap it will automatically pop up, if this is your first time, you'll have to create a login. Once you click the link it will direct you from there. (It may come from Trenna Wright). 

What happens if I register for a day, and I cannot make it? You can log back into team snap and change your status for that class. You can also select another day to attend at this time. Please try and do this as soon as you know you cannot attend so that we can ensure other parents have an opportunity to register that day. 

How Do I register for summer training? A link was sent out by Uplifter email, if you have not received it, please check your junk mail and then contact admin if you still have not received it. 

Are there payment options for summer programming? Summer program fees can be paid bi-weekly until paid off in needed. If you require any assistance with payment, please contact admin. They will need to register you on their end to by-pass the payment required at check out. 

Insurance is required to be paid by July 1st. 

What level do we register in? For summer training please register your child in the same program they are currently attending. If you are unsure of your program name, please contact admin. 




Competitive Program- Sent June 8, 2023


FGC will host a year end celebration for our pre-competitive and competitive programs on June 25th from 4:30-6:30.

There will be a potluck dinner and awards will be given out. 

Please click the link the below whether you are or are not going, otherwise Admin will contact you, to ensure you received your invitation.




For: Everyone- Sent June 7, 2023
Hello All, 
The 2023 Fort Saskatchewan Minor Sports Association STRIKE Scholarship has been finalized and is now ready for applicants. More information can be found at this link or in the PDF attached. Applications are accepted until 11:59pm on June 30th, 2023. 
The scholarship is accepting applicants who have graduated high school from 2019 - 2023, are pursuing post-secondary education, and have been involved in at least one season of FSMSA sport. As involvement includes registered players, coaches, game officials, and volunteers, and the scholarship is available to current University students as well as current high school students, there is a large number of eligible applicants. Award winners will be recognized at the annual STRIKE golf tournament on July 27th, 2023. 
Thank you! 

For: Everyone- Sent June 1, 2023


Registration is now open for Summer Mini's and Summer Camps! 
Click the link below to view classes, register or sign up for Competitive try-outs on (June 23rd):

Registration :: Registration :: Fort Gymnastics powered by Uplifter (

Classes are offered twice a week for one Month. We have a Monday and Wednesday option and a Tuesday and Thursday option. Space is very limited during the summer months, register today so you don't miss out! 

Summer camps will take place during the day and classes will take place in the evening. 

There will be no gymnastics training during summer camps, these are just fun camps where the kids can do crafts, play games, compete in obstacle courses, go for walks or to the park and much more! Don't worry, we will still have lots of free time on the gym floor, to run, swing, jump, play and burn energy. 

If you have any questions or trouble registering, please respond to this email.

Fall registration opens up on August 1st at 10:00am, mark your calendars!!



For: Competitive participants - Sent June 1, 2023


Comp Summer Registration is not open at this time. I'd just like to share the information with you so that you can plan your summer accordingly. Link to register will be sent to your emails once they are ready. 


 Mon/Wed (July 5th - July 26th)

4:00-6:00 Dev C Hannah / Quinn

6:00-8:00 Dev A/B Hannah/Quinn

4:00-7:30 CCP 3-6 Christie/Joss

Tues/Thur (July 4th - July 27th)

4:00-7:30 CCP 3-6 Christie/Joss/Kim

4:00-7:00 CCP1-2 Paige/Quinn

Mon/Wed(July 31st - August 23rd)

4:00-6:00 Dev C Hannah / Quinn

6:00-8:00 Dev A/B Hannah/Quinn

4:00-7:30 CCP 3-6 Christie/Joss

Tues/Thur (August 1st - August 24th)

4:00-7:30 CCP 3-6 Christie/Joss/Kim

4:00-7:00 CCP1-2 Paige/Quinn

Summer Training Fees

Summer programming is mandatory, payment is required in the first week of July. Your child can attend only the minimum or all the summer classes available. 



Minimum Number of Days Training 

Hours per Day 

Cost for Summer


10 days

2 hours a day



10 days

2 hours a day


JO 1-2

10 days

3 hours a day


JO 3-4

15 days

3 hours a day




AGF Annual Insurance and Registration Fee 



Yearly AGF Registration Fee – 

Due July 1





*WAG **CCP 1-2 


WAG 3-5


WAG 6+


***MAG 1-2






For: Competitive participants - Sent May 29th, 2023


Due to the upcoming competition this weekend, there will be a few class cancellations. Please see the list below:

Thursday: JO 3's and 4+ NO CLASSES

Friday: JO 2's (with coach Lexy) NO CLASSES

(JO1/2 with Cassidy will have classes this weekend)

Saturday: JO 3's NO CLASSES 

Sunday: Comp 4+ NO CLASSES

Please respond to this email indicating that you received it, or I will be making calls Wednesday to ensure all parents are notified. 

Good Luck to everyone attending this weekend!! 



For: Everyone - Sent May 26th, 2023


Below you will find pick up information for Mom's Pantry, Registration Dates for Summer programs and Camps, Picture Order Info, Road Construction Warning, Volunteer Opportunities and more!

If you ordered from our last fundraiser:
Mom's Pantry, picks up will be:
TODAY, MAY 26TH from 1:00-7:00pm.

We apologize if this is the first time you are hearing about this, some of the emails from Mom's Pantry didn't go through or went to junk mail. We do not have places to store the nonperishable items, so they will need to pick up today. If you are unable to make it, please contact:

We wanted to send out a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising efforts this year! We are happy to announce we have purchased new equipment that the kids from the 22/23 year have already gotten to enjoy and will be ordering more soon! 

We still have a few picture orders waiting to be picked up. You can find them located on the table in the entryway.

Registration for Summer Camps is already open! We have options for Tots and kids aged 6-12. You do not need to love gymnastics, as there will be no gymnastics training. You just need to love having fun! We will have crafts, games, outings and free play on the gym floor. For more info, visit our website or respond to this email! 

Registration for Summer Mini's opens June 1st. Classes are posted now if you'd like to view them.

A link for comp summer training will be sent out by email shortly. 

Did you know we know offer Foam-Blaster (Nerf-style) Birthday Parties!  Birthdays at FGC book up very quickly, we are already booking into July. If you are interested in having your party with us, we recommend booking early. Email admin to find out more or book your party here; 

Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently looking for one or two Volunteers with a truck or trailer, to help us bring equipment to/from the Family Festival on June 3rd. We'd need someone between 9:30-10:30 and then again from 4:30-5:30. 

We are also looking for a parent and child volunteer team from 2:00pm-4:30pm

If you are available, please respond to this email. 

We will also be looking for Volunteers for the Canada Day Parade, we'd need parent and child volunteers. If you'd like to help hand out treats, or if you have a child that would like to join us on the float, please let me know by responding to this email. Another request will be sent out closer to the date. Please be sure to include your contact information so we can contact you again the last week of June with details. 

Just a reminder that construction will be taking place starting May 29th. This may affect your ability to get to class on time. Please be sure to leave earlier when needed, as to not disrupt classes in progress. (Please see attachment.)



FOR: Wednesday (Spring) Participants - Sent May 17, 2023


This is for all participants in the Wednesday classes.

We just wanted to let you know that the air quality in the gym may be affected by the smoke in the area. Our coaches and participants yesterday noticed the smell coming into the gym. CLASSES ARE STILL ON for Wednesday, May 17th, but we just wanted to let you guys know so you can make what choice is best for your child. 

Upstairs classes do seem to be more affected than downstairs classes. 



FOR: Tuesday (Spring) Participants - Sent May 16, 2023


This is for all participants in the Tuesday classes.

We just wanted to let you know that the air quality in the gym may be affected by the smoke in the area. Our daytime coach and participants have noticed the smells coming into the gym this morning. CLASSES ARE STILL ON for Tuesday, May 16th, but we just wanted to let you guys know so you can make what choice is best for your child. 

If you come to class and decide to leave early, please come to the office to get admin to collect your child, please do not go onto the gym floor or interrupt the class/coach.



FOR: EVERYONE - Sent May 12, 2023


The Root Seller Orders will be delivered on Monday, May 15th. Pick up will be available between 10:30am-7:30pm. 

We will not have anywhere to store the plants after Monday, if you are not able to pick up on that day, please have someone pick them up for you or respond to this email to see if we can make alternative arrangements.

**Please make sure your orders are correct before you leave, once you leave, there will be no corrections or changes made to orders that are signed off. We will have a copy of your order form for you to confirm. 

Pick up dates for Mom's pantry are not finalized yet, but those dates will be coming soon! 

If you are able to volunteer on Monday, May 15th, please let admin know. We can use helpers for:

Handing out Flowers 2:00pm-4:30pm or 4:30pm-7:30pm

**We are also looking for Volunteers for the Legacy Park Family Festival on June 3rd between 11-4:30 (split shifts available). If you are able to help, please let us know!! We are looking for parent and kid volunteers (a parent must accompany your child)! 

There will be No Comp Classes, No Rec Classes, and no Office hours on:

Saturday, May 20th

Sunday, May 21st 

Monday, May 22

YES, we do have classes on Friday May 19th!

We will also have our drop-in on Friday, May 19th. Pre-register with admin and pay only $10! 

If you have any concerns that require immediate attention during that time, please email: 

Summer Camp Registration is now open!!! We have half day, full day and Tots camps available. You do not need to like gymnastics to enjoy our camps!! We will have free play on the gym floor, obstacle courses, crafts, games, outside time and more!!

Summer Mini's Registration opens on June 1st! 

Please visit our website for more information:

Home Page :: Home Page :: Fort Gymnastics powered by Uplifter (

HEADS UP: There will be construction on 95th Street, From 99th Ave- Highway 15. This construction may affect your ability to get to classes on time, please make sure to leave early when needed. Attached is a notice, as well as a possible detour map for your viewing. Sorry, I have no more information on this, than what is provided in the attachment. 



FOR: EVERYONE - Sent May 8, 2023

Hello Parents and Guardians, 

(Please see below if you able to volunteer for FGC at the Legacy Park Family Festival on June 3rd; Or if you would like to learn more about our Summer Camps or Foam Blaster Birthday Parties!)

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place on:

Tuesday, June 13th @ 7:00pm, upstairs at our Fort Gymnastics Club Facility. - OPEN TO ALL 

This is an annual meeting that focuses on the 2023/2024 gymnastics year. Some areas of discussion will be budgets, registration processes, fees, policy changes etc. 

The AGM is also when/where Board Members can be voted in. We currently have one position available. (Volunteer Coordinator/Communications - position to be confirmed). You would need to be available for meetings the third Thursday of each Month at 7pm, as well as take on any duties as they come up though out the year, in regard to your position.  If you are interested in joining the board, please respond to this email.

Please click on the link below if you'd like to attend. Walk-ins are welcome, preregistering just allows us to ensure we have adequate space for everyone who joins us. 

Volunteer Opportunities 

We are looking for volunteers to represent FGC at the Legacy Park Family Festival, on June 3rd, 2023. Parents and participants are both welcome to volunteer. (Parents must stay and volunteer with their child during the event.) 

Duties would include helping set up/take down, hand out promotional items etc. Kids can help hand out promotional items or use the equipment to showcase skills they've learned at FGC. 

You will have a coach with you during the event. 

June 3rd 

9:30-10:00 (someone with a truck or truck and trailer) help transport equipment to the festival.

10:00am-12:00pm Set up 10-11, then help manage our tent.

12:00pm-2:00pm Manage Tent.

2:00-4:30pm Manage FGC tent, Take-down starting at 4pm

4:00-5:00 - (someone with a truck or truck and trailer) help transport equipment back to the gym.

If you'd like to volunteer, please respond to this email before May 20th. If you are available for more than one time slot, please indicate that when responding to this email. We appreciate all the support from families like you, during this special events. We couldn't do it without you! 

Don't forget: Summer Camp Registration is now open! These summer camps are for boys and girls, and include free play on the gym floor, outings, crafts, games and more! We have full days, half day and Tot options as well as Drop-in weeks (register early and save $25 off your weekly Drop-in rate!) You do not need to like gymnastics to enjoy these camps, you just need to like fun and have energy to burn!!  

To view our Summer Camps please click on the link below or view the attachment for more info:

Home Page :: Home Page :: Fort Gymnastics powered by Uplifter (

Did you know we know offer Foam Blaster (Nerf-style) Birthday packages! We supply the weapons, ammo, safety glasses and set up obstacles or bases around the gym.  Click the link below for more info!! 

Drop-in, Bookings & Private Lessons :: Drop-in, Bookings & Private Lessons :: Fort Gymnastics powered by Uplifter (

Thank You


For: CCP 1/2, CCP2 & CCP 3 PARENTS - Sent May 3rd, 2023


Due to coaches and participants being away for competitions next weekend, there will be some class cancellations. Please see the list below:


NO CLASSES FOR CCP 1/2 - May 14th


Please respond to this email so that I know that you received it. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please respond to this email. 




For: EVERYONE      - Sent April 27th, 2023

Hello Parents and Guardians, 

Summer Camp Registration opens up May 1st @ 10:00am!  That is THIS Monday!!

(Please see attachment or visit our website for program options.)

Summer Mini Registration will open up on June 1st at 10:00am!

We are currently moving our website to our Uplifter Platform. Please click the link for the newest and most up-to-date information for Fort Gymnastics Club. You can also access our new website, by logging into your Uplifter account and click the heading for "Fort Gymnastics"

 Home Page :: Home Page :: Fort Gymnastics powered by Uplifter (

Picture Order's Are Ready For Pick-Up

If you ordered pictures, your picture orders are now ready for pick-up! You will find your pictures in a box, on the corner desk in the office. Please help yourself to your picture package. If you have any concerns with your orders, please contact Big Wall Pix directly:

Digital copies were sent a few weeks ago, please check your junk mail or email the email address above to have the pictures resent if you have not received them.

Pick up dates and times:

Thursday, April 27th 4:30-8:00

Friday, April 28th 10:00-2:00 or 4:30-7:00

Monday, May 1st 10:00am-12:00pm or 3:00pm-7:30pm

Tuesday, May 2nd 10:00am-12:00pm or 3:00pm-7:30pm

Wednesday, May 3rd 10:00am-2:00pm or 4:30pm-7:30pm

Thursday, May 4th 10:00am-12:00pm or 4:30pm-8:00pm

Friday, May 5th - 10:00am-2:00pm or 4:30pm-8:00pm


Fundraising orders for Mom's Pantry and The Root Seller, are due back on May 5th. If you'd like the payment to be added to your uplifter account, please email admin to do so. Please include a copy of your order form. 

We still have lots of order forms in the foyer and waiting area, please help yourself if you have not gotten a form yet. Payment can be made by cash, debit, credit or cheque (please make cheques payable to: Fort Saskatchewan Minor Sports Association). 

Just a reminder that all AGF insurance expires on June 30th, 2023. If you register for any new classes or programs, you will see a $55 fee added for an AGF subscription for the 2023/24 year. This insurance will be valid until June 30th, 2024. (Drop-in participants, Birthday Parties and Special Events do not require the yearly subscription.)

SNEAK PEAK - We are currently in the works to offer you guys a Foam Blaster (nerf-style) Birthday Package!! This would include the use of weapons, bullets and safety glasses. The gym mats and accessories can be configured to make "forts" and hiding spaces, or obstacle courses. We can't wait to debut this party soon!! 

Please respond to this email if you have any questions or concerns. 


Admin :)


FOR: Alberta Compulsory Championships Participants 

Alberta Compulsory Championships Schedule

Friday, May 12th

Session #1: Level 4 – November 22, 2012 and younger (EFG) – 46
Warm-up – 11:30am – 11:45am
Competition – 11:50am – 2:00pm
Session #2: Level 4 – February 21, 2012 and older (AB) - 32
Level 5 – September 2012 and younger (D) – 14
Warm-up – 2:45pm – 3:00pm
Competition – 3:05pm – 5:15pm
Ana, Claire
Session #3 – Level 5 – August 2012 and older (ABC) – 44
Warm-up – 6:00pm – 6:15pm
Competition – 6:20pm – 8:30pm
Emily Y

Saturday, May 13th

Session #4: Level 4 – February 22, 2012 - November 21, 2012 (CD) – 32
Level 3 – October 5, 2011 and older (A) – (16)
Warm-up – 8:15am – 8:30am
Competition – 8:35am – 10:45am

Session #5: Level 3 - May 9, 2014 and younger (HIJ) – 47
Warm-up – 11:30am – 11:45am
Competition – 11:50am – 1:45pm

Session #6: Level 3 – March 26, 2013 – May 8, 2014 (EFG) - 48
Warm-up – 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Competition – 2:50pm – 5:00pm

Session #7: Level 3 – October 6, 2011 - March 25, 2013 (BCD) – 48
Warm-up – 5:45pm – 6:00pm
Competition – 6:05pm – 7:45pm
Charlie,Madeline,Olivia L, lexi,Trenna,Hayden

Sunday, May 14th

Session #8: Level 1 and 2 (Fort, Pine Valley, St. Albert, Dynamyx, Exelta, Horizon, Leduc, Salto) – 33
Warm-up – 8:30am – 8:45am
Competition – 8:50am – 10:30am
Marley,Helena,Emily N, Charleigh,Sadie,Olivia H


FOR: EVERYONE  - Sent April 4th, 2023


Please click on the link below to complete a short survey about your time at Fort Gymnastics Club during our Winter Session. Please complete the form by April 18th to be entered in a draw for a free Family Drop-In Pass. 

We value your opinion and hope we can make your experience a pleasant one. There is a spot on the bottom to add any concerns/suggestions, that you feel were not addressed during the survey

Thank you for your time. 

-FGC Board and Staff



The Easter Egg Hunt and Gymnastic Drop-In is on Monday, April 10th! Don't forget your easter basket to collect your treats, as we will be collecting the plastic eggs at the end of the event. 

If you haven't already, please login to your Uplifter account to make payment for the Easter Egg Hunt to secure your spot.  There will be no refunds issued after TOMORROW, Tuesday, Apr
il 4th. Due to the fact we need to purchase the supplies, treats and goodie bags, payment the day of is not an option, you must prepay for this event.
We do have a few spots left for our 2:30-4:30  Egg Hunt/Drop-in if you have any friends or family who would like to join. This event is open to the community and you do not need to be a current FGC member to attend. 
To make a payment for a product on Uplifter: 
1. Login to your uplifter account and go to your home page
2. Once on your homepage look for a subheading that says 'account'
3. One on the account page, scroll down until you see a "make a payment' button and click on that.
4. Next, select the invoice you'd like to pay and then scroll down until you see payment options. 
You can also phone in a credit card, or pay in person. This week we have evening office hours until 7pm all week (Closed Friday.) 
Please respond to this email if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you,

For: REC - Sent March 30, 2023 - SPRING SESSION INFORMATION 


Classes begin on Monday April 3rd for our Spring Session. Below you will find some helpful information to assist throughout this season.

Athletes should arrive with their hair tied back, wearing athletic clothes, bare feet and no jewelry, buttons or zippers that can get caught on equipment. Please send a labelled non-glass water bottle.

Please arrive no more 5 minutes before your class starts. We ask that all athletes stay in the lobby until they are called onto the floor by their coach. Parents are not allowed on the gym floor. Please make sure you are not blocking the door to the gym floor. We also are not allowed to have parents sitting on the stairs. 

For Upstairs programs (typically Parent & Tot, Tiny Tot, Tot & Jr Rec) there is no parent viewing at this time. On your first day please wait in the waiting area and your coach will come get you. After your first day, you can bring your child upstairs and drop them off at the door. If your child needs extra time to calm down at drop-off, please do so outside of the room, and join the class when they are ready. 

If your child is 5 or under, we ask that you remain in the building for their classes. Please remind your child to go to the bathroom before the class starts. Some coaches will make an exception for our older programs (Tot & Jr Rec) and will allow parents to leave the building. You can check with your coach on your first day, but please respect their response.

Just a reminder that refunds can only take place up until the third class. Please contact admin if you need to leave the program during that time. Sorry, there are no make-up classes for sick days.

Parent Viewing Days/Updates tend to get missed, so we recommend setting a reminder on your phone now. We have attached a list below, and the information will also be on our bulletin board.

Email is our main form of communication, please make sure you read the emails sent out as it will contain all closure dates, program changes, fundraisers and more. All information will also be posted on the bulletin board; Please check it monthly.

Please let the staff know if anyone else will be picking up your child. As a safety precaution please come into the building to grab your child if they are younger, there have been a few close calls in the parking lot. 

There is an office schedule posted on the office door, if you need any assistance please see our operations coordinator during those hours, or email:


Our Spring Fundraisers (our last two of the year) have been announced:

The Root Seller: April 3rd - May 5th, deliveries will be made on May 15th. 

Mom's Pantry: April 3rd - May 5th, delivery date TBD. Did you order online you can choose to have these items delivered directly to your door!

**Order forms will be sent home the first week of Spring Classes. Thank you for your continued support!

We will have an Easter Egg Hunt/Drop-in April 10 from 2:30-4:30. We still have a few spots left! $15 each, you must pre-register.

There will be no classes April 7th-10th or May 20th-22nd.

Picture day for our 22/23 seasons will take place on April 1st. If you registered after the order form was due and would like to get photos done, please respond to this email.

Spring Schedule 

Parent Viewing/Info Days  

Monday: April 3 - June 19

May 15 and June 19

Tuesday: April 4 - June 6

May 9 and June 6

Wednesday: April 5 - June 7

May 10 and June 7

Thursday: April 6 - June 8

May 11 and June 8

Friday: April 14 - June 16

May 19 and June 16

Saturday: April 15- June 24

May 27 and June 24

Sunday: April 16 - June 25

May 28 and June 25


 For: REC - Sent March 29, 2023 - Picture Day Info, Bottle Drive & Spring Fundraising


Just a friendly reminder that pictures are this Saturday, April 1st starting at 12:45pm*. Please arrive 10 minutes early so that you are ready to go at your scheduled picture time. Please go onto the floor with your child so you can proof their photos. There will be no re-takes, so please let the photographer know if you'd like them to be re-shot.

If your ordered players cards, please use that 10 minutes to fill out the questionnaire for the back of the cards. If you'd like to fill one out early, please respond to this email and I can send you a copy of the form to email back. If you are emailing the form, please have them back by Friday.  

If you'd like to order additional items on site you can do so, please speak to the photographers to add items to your form, they will take payment for any items added on. 

Please see the attachment for your teams' times. Body suits and a bun are encouraged but any gymnastics attire will work too! 

Bottle Drive this Sunday, April 2, 2023 from 10am-3pm!!

Please stop by FGC to drop off any bottles or cash donations. Proceeds from this bottle drive will go to keep one of our competitive kids in the program while their family battles cancer. As a gymnastic parent, you understand why this is an important goal, and we appreciate any support, even if it's just sharing the information. 


Our Spring Fundraisers (our last two of the year) have been announced:

The Root Seller: April 3rd - May 5th, deliveries will be made on May 15th. 

Mom's Pantry: April 3rd - May 5th, delivery date TBD. Did you order online you can choose to have these items delivered directly to your door!

**Order forms will be sent home the first week of Spring Classes. Thank you for your continued support!

We will have no programming, or office hours, on Easter Weekend. They gym will be closed from April 7th-April 9th. The gym will be open on April 10th for the Easter Egg Hunt Drop-in. You must pre-register for this event. 

We still have a few spots left for our Easter Egg Hunt/Drop in on April 10th from 2:30pm-4:30pm. The cost is $15 per participant. To register, please respond to this email or register on Uplifter.  

Drop-In 10 Punch passes are on sale for $90 until the end of March! They do not expire; Regular Admission is $15, save $60!! We have drop-in Thursday March 30th and Friday March 31st from 10am-12pm. 



For: COMP - Sent March 29, 2023 - Picture Day, Bottle Drive & Spring Updates!


Just a friendly reminder that pictures are this Saturday, April 1st starting at 8:45am. Please arrive 10 minutes early so that you are ready to go at your scheduled picture time. Please go onto the floor with your child so you can proof their photos. There will be no re-takes, so please let the photographer know if you'd like them to be re-shot.

If your ordered players cards, please use that 10 minutes to fill out the questionnaire for the back of the cards. If you'd like to fill one out early, please respond to this email and I can send you a copy of the form to email back. If you are emailing the form, please have them back by Friday.  

If you'd like to order additional items on site you can do so, please speak to the photographers to add items to your form, they will take payment for any items added on. 

Please see the attachment for your teams' times. We are asking that everyone come for team photos even if you are not ordering pictures. Please dress as though you are going to a comp (red and black bodysuit, bun etc.) If you do not have a body suit, any gym attire is fine. 


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