Gymnastics is a sport that qualifies for funding through Kidsport and Jump Start. FGC also accepts third party payments.

KIDSPORT grants up to $500 per child to use towards the cost of program fees for qualifying families. Please click the website link above to fill out an application.
Be sure to complete a third party payment agreement and submit it to admin if you'd like to skip paying upfront for this program. THIRD PARTY PAYMENT AGREEMENT (1).pdf
Please remember to include the cost of insurance on your KidSport application (if required). Rec program insurance is $55 a year. Insurance runs from July 1-June 30 of each year.
Eligibility Requirements
KidSport Fort Saskatchewan uses the Canadian Low Income guidelines (before Tax plus 30%) to determine financial eligibility for grants (Line 236 of your tax assessment).
- 2 person household - max $47,549
- 3 person household - max $58,456
- 4 person household - max $70,972
- 5 person household - max $80,496
- 6 person household - max $90,786
- 7+ person household - max $101,076
- This was updated February 2023. If you are unsure of your eligibility to receive a grant, please reach out to

JUMPSTART offerings funding for registration fees for eligible families.
Jumpstart is more than just about getting kids active. It's about giving kids from families in financial need the same chance to participate as their neighbours, their classmates and their friends. Whether it's the chance to try a new sport or to continue with a favourite one, no kid should be left out.
Be sure to complete a third party payment agreement and submit it to admin if you'd like to skip paying upfront for this program. THIRD PARTY PAYMENT AGREEMENT (1).pdf
Please remember to include the cost of insurance on your JUMPSTART application (if required). Rec program insurance is $55 a year. Insurance runs from July 1-June 30 of each year.
Financial Requirements
To be eligible for funding for one or more children, families must first meet specific financial criteria as per Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICO) chart. Jumpstart uses the furthest column to the right of the chart for eligibility.
Other Funding Requirements
- Children must fall between the ages of 4 - 18 years old.
- Funding is allocated to sustained programs that involve a sport or physical activity.
- Programs should be a minimum of five weeks in duration and include at least one session per week. In the case of sports camps, the program must last at least five consecutive days for consideration.

Third Party Payment Accepted
FGC accepts third party payments so long as you complete a third party payment agreement
We accepted government funding, work/employee benefit programs and many other forms of payment through a third party. So long as you have a set amount given to be used towards your child's program fees, we can make it work!
Please fill out our third party form and send it to:
Typically you would pay for your program and then submit your payment and proof of registration to the desired resource center or benefit program that you are applying to. FGC has created a Third Party Payment Agreement, that keeps parents from having to put out money for the initial registration. After filling out a Third Party Payment Agreement Form, and submitting it to admin, we will register you in the program and send you a copy of an invoice to send with any funding applications you'd need to fill out. *Please note this form is only for FGC (in house- office use), you do NOT need to send it in with your Kidsport or Jumpstart applications. Please click the link below to get a copy of our form. Completed forms can be emailed to Please note that FGC does not fill out applications for Jumpstart or Kidsport and you will be required to submit your application yourself.